The Woodlands Sparkler Special

Woodlands become magical refuges when sparkled with naturalizing flower bulbs. Here we have grouped together four types of flower bulbs to create magical vignettes in dappled sunlight from early through late spring. Other woodland favorites include Allium triquetrum, Corydalis, Eranthis, Erythronium, Fritillaria meleagris, Geranium tuberosum, Oxalis and Scilla. Smaller-sized bulbs are also more easily planted in woodland floors.

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced just over 22% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Top size bulbs. See each variety for individual planting instructions. Good for horticultural zones 5 through 7. Bloom time in horticultural zone 5: early to late spring.

  • 50 Camassia quamash: The Indian Hyacinth. Lavender-blue floret-studded spires. Bulb size: 6 cm/up. May/June. 15”.
  • 50 Galanthus elwesii: The Giant Snowdrop. Ivory-white, green markings. Bulb size: 7 cm/up. March/April. 5" to 8”.
  • 50 Ornithogalum nutans Silver Bells: The Drooping Star of Bethlehem. Green-white, darker midveins. Bulb size: 6 cm/up. May. 12”.
  • 50 Hyacinthoides hispanica Excelsior: The Spanish Bluebell. Pendant, bell-shaped blue-violet florets on 12” to 15” stems. Bulb size: 8 cm/up. May. 12” to 15”.
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200 bulbs $69.95

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