The Peacock Tulip Mixture

Our classic Dutch mixture includes Concerto (creamy-white), Guiseppe Verdi (yellow and red), Fritz Kreisel (raspberry and yellow), Johann Strauss (white flamed red with yellow base) and Scarlet Baby (scarlet-red with yellow base). Tulip Class: Kaufmanniana. Bulb size: 12 cm/up. Early spring. HZ: 3-8. Height: 8" to 10".

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips
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Available in units of 25 with volume discount pricing.

25 bulbs $18.25
50 bulbs $30.75
100 bulbs $55.25
200 bulbs $106.25

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  • Information
  • Kaufmanniana Tulips
    Also known as Water Lily Tulips, Kaufmannianas are colorful, low-growing tulips perfect for rock gardens and border plantings. Some varieties have beautiful mottled foliage while all open fully on sunny days to reveal multi-colored interiors. They may naturalize for years when left undisturbed in a good spot. Top size bulbs: at least 12 cm. Bloom time: early Spring. Plant 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart. Horticultural zones 3-8. Height: 8" to 10".

    Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

    Tulip Horticultural Tips
Kaufmanniana Tulips
Also known as Water Lily Tulips, Kaufmannianas are colorful, low-growing tulips perfect for rock gardens and border plantings. Some varieties have beautiful mottled foliage while all open fully on sunny days to reveal multi-colored interiors. They may naturalize for years when left undisturbed in a good spot. Top size bulbs: at least 12 cm. Bloom time: early Spring. Plant 6" to 8" deep and 6" apart. Horticultural zones 3-8. Height: 8" to 10".

Tulips are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Tulip Horticultural Tips
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