Galanthus elwesii Polar Bear

This rare Dutch selection out of Galanthus elwesii has outward-facing, blizzard-white flowers with green-based and tipped cylindrical centers. Bulb size: 8 cm/up. Bloom time: March/April. Horticultural zones 3-8. Plant 4" deep and 2" to 4" apart. Height: 4" to 8".

Galanthus are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Galanthus Horticultural Tips     Stinze Plantings
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Available in units of 10 with volume discount pricing.

10 bulbs $19.50
20 bulbs $35.75
40 bulbs $67.50
60 bulbs $97.75

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  • Galanthus
    Snowdrops or Milk Flowers. An eastern Mediterranean native, this deer- and rodent-resistant 1875 heirloom is one of the earliest portents of spring. These drooping, milky-white naturalizers have dainty, inner tips of emerald-green. Great in rock gardens, border plantings or naturalized drifts, they are best planted in clusters of ten or more in filtered sunlight. They are more tolerant of soil with a bit of moisture than other bulbs and are quite hardy~they pop right back up after surprise spring snowfalls. Space Galanthus clusters away from emergent summer perennials that could be covered and languish as Galanthus foliage thrives and dies back naturally. March/April. Plant 4" deep and 2" to 4" apart. HZ: 3-8. 5" to 8".

    Galanthus are The Art & Soul of Spring.

    Galanthus Horticultural Tips        Stinze Plantings
Snowdrops or Milk Flowers. An eastern Mediterranean native, this deer- and rodent-resistant 1875 heirloom is one of the earliest portents of spring. These drooping, milky-white naturalizers have dainty, inner tips of emerald-green. Great in rock gardens, border plantings or naturalized drifts, they are best planted in clusters of ten or more in filtered sunlight. They are more tolerant of soil with a bit of moisture than other bulbs and are quite hardy~they pop right back up after surprise spring snowfalls. Space Galanthus clusters away from emergent summer perennials that could be covered and languish as Galanthus foliage thrives and dies back naturally. March/April. Plant 4" deep and 2" to 4" apart. HZ: 3-8. 5" to 8".

Galanthus are The Art & Soul of Spring.

Galanthus Horticultural Tips        Stinze Plantings
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