The Breathtaking Oriental Lily Special

If you haven’t swooned over Oriental Lilies before, you may when you experience the sensory magnificence of these four beauties: Brasilia, Hachi, Josephine and Stargazer. They are perfect for abundant summer gardens, particularly near a terrace or front porch where you can immerse yourself in their heady fragrance. Or how about outside of your bedroom window so that their scent can waft into your dreams?

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced about 30% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Top size bulbs: 16/18 cm. Height: 3’ to 4’. Bloom time: July/August. Plant 8" deep and 10" apart. Horticultural zones 5-8. Explore our whole Lily Collection.

  • 5 Oriental Lily Brasilia: White, spreading fuchsia-pink edges.
  • 5 Oriental Lily Hachi: Bright white, velvet-red starburst.
  • 5 Oriental Lily Josephine: Pale ballerina-pink.
  • 5 Oriental Lily Stargazer: Bright raspberry-red, white edges.
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20 bulbs $36.95

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